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Milestone # 1 - 11/13/2024
The Idea
Our goal is to create a mixed-reality game using Unity for the Meta Quest Pro.
The general idea is to have:
ASL gestures that produce spells.
ASL demo/hand models that teach users how to sign.
Multiplayer game mode (user can battle against another player).
Use passthrough.
The Process
When we sat down to brainstorm we knew we wanted to create a tool to help people learn ASL, and we ultimately decided to add a game element to make the tool a more interactive way to learn. After deciding this, we set out to find out which methods for making custom hand gestures would be best for our use case. After doing some research, we decided to use OpenXR's XR hands for ease of use. With XR Hands, we were able to add hand gestures for ASL letters A-H. To make the process of adding each gesture a bit faster, we also created a script that would automatically set certain metrics to make a new custom hand gesture so that we wouldn't have to set the variables one by one by hand.
When deciding how to implement multiplayer, we wanted ease of implementation as multiplayer will be the hardest part of the game to get working smoothly. We have decided to use the Meta XR Core SDK (specifically the Network Building Blocks) to implement the lobby and Unity Netcode for Game Objects for the network framework. With the Building Blocks, we were able to set up the multiplayer lobby, however testing if it worked was our biggest issue. Testing multiplayer is something we have tried to get set up, trying symlink, building to a Quest headset while also running a Unity editor, however, we are not sure if the multiplayer connection is successful.
Sprint Overview
Implemented custom hand gestures for certain ASL letters as proof of concept using OpenXR's XR Hands.
Started on trying to get multiplayer feature working.
Concepted game mechanics.
Used Meta's Presence Platform for passthrough.
Future Plans (Milestone 2)
We plan to keep testing multiplayer as currently, we are unsure if 2 players can connect (seeing each other).
Add more hand gestures so that players can learn the entire ASL alphabet.
Spells should be cast when the corresponding letters/set of letters are signed.
Specify which spells we want to implement and how they will work.​
Make game logic for how we want multiplayer to be played (Health Bars, Damage, etc).​​
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